Captive Portal Customizations - Translations

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Gabriel.prado (Talk | contribs)
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Revision as of 19:42, 27 October 2017


Customize values for supported languages and/or add support to new ones.

Current supported languages are: English (en), Portuguese (pt_br) and Spanish (es).

It's recommended to customize the translation in the Layout configuration to make sure they are available in all other pages.

Default Values

Example strings for English (en) language:

 deleteMacAddressError: "It was not possible to disconnect the user."
 onLoginError: "Could not complete your social login. Please try again."
 onLoginCancel: "To log in to Hotspot is required to complete the login through social networks."
 automaticLoginVisitor: "Visitor"
 automaticLoginConnecting: "Connecting..."
 postFormError: "Unable to complete the login. Check that you are accessing this page from the Wi-fi network."
 userPostLoginError: "Please, login again."
 missingPreviewURL: "Preview URL option not defined."
 accountKitInvalidState: "The session is invalid, please login again."
 accountKitDisabled: "Account Kit login must be enabled."
 accountKitError: "You need to complete the login to continue."
 cannotCreateUserSession: "Can't create user session."
 defaultLoginError: "Please check if email and password are correct and try again. If you don't have a password, please sign up."
 emailTakenSignupError: "Please check if all the fields are filled correctly. If you have already signed up with this e-mail before, please sign in."
 loginUserTokenError: "There was an error during login with user token"
 defaultUserDisplayName: "Visitor"
 registerLoginFail: "Signup completed but there was an issue during login"
 passwordLengthAlert: "Passwords must have at least 8 characters."
 missingFields: "The following fields are mandatory: "
 takenFields: "The following fields must be unique and have already been taken: "
 errorFields: "The following fields have errors: "
 emailRegex: "The e-mail provided does not match the expected format: "
 passwordConfirmationAlert: "The password does not match its confirmation."
 dateFormatError: "One or more date fields are incorrectly formatted."
 splashWait: "Please wait..."
 splashReady: "Please click on the video to continue"
 splashContinue: "Click here to continue"
 splashCountdownPre: "Please watch for "
 splashCountdownPost: " seconds..."
 getUserInfoError: "Could not get info from the current logged in user."
 getClusteringInfoError: "Could not get clustering info from the current logged in user."
 getUserDataError: "Could not get user's extra data"
 getUserAccountKitError: "Could not get user's Account Kit data"
 findUserError: "Could not find an user with the given mac address"
 getPromotionsError: "No promotions found"
 logoutError: "There was an error during the logout operation"
 unknownError: "There was an unknown error during the operation"
 email: "E-mail"
 password: "Password"
 fullName: "Full name"
 gender: "Gender"
 female: "Female"
 male: "Male"
 notDeclaringGender: "I'd rather not declare"
 choosePassword: "Choose your password"
 confirmPassword: "Confirm your password"
 signUp: "Sign up"
 connect: "Connect"
 connectGuest: "Connect"
 logo: "Logo"
 userPic: "User picture"
 categoryLoading: "Loading your personalized portal..."
 close: "Close"
 error: "Error"
 accessButton: "Access the Internet"
 unlinkButton: "Click here to leave"
 rememberButton: "Reset my password"
 defaultRememberError: "There was a problem while trying to reset your password. Please check the given e-mail."
 defaultRememberInfo: "An e-mail was sent to your address with instructions on how to reset your password."
 token: "Password reset token"
 invalidTokenError: 'The reset token given is invalid, please ask for a new one.'
 defaultResetError: 'There was a problem with your request. Please check password format and token.'
 passwordRepeatedError: "You can't choose a password that was recently used."
 defaultResetInfo: 'Your password was changed successfuly.'
 resetButton: 'Reset my password'
 updateFormButton: 'Update registration'
 facebook: 'Facebook'
 gplus: 'Google+'
 twitter: 'Twitter'
 linkedin: 'LinkedIn'
 share: 'Share'
 shareOn: 'Share on '
 loadingPage: 'Loading, please wait...'
 noVendorError: 'There is an error with the vendor configuration: contact the network administrators.'
 signInError: 'There was a problem trying to sign you in. Please try again or contact the administrators if the problem persists.'
 signInLimitExceededError: 'You reached the maximum number of allowed logins in the last :period hours.'
 sessionExpiredError: 'Your session has expired. Please, <a href onclick="window.location.reload(); return false;">click here</a> to reload the page and try again.'
 loginEmail: 'Login with Email'
 loginSMS: 'Login with SMS'

Customization Example

  appConfig.customization.translations = {
    'pt_br': {
      deleteMacAddressError: "Houve um erro ao tentar desconectar o usuário.",
      onLoginError: "Não foi possível completar seu login social. Por favor, tente novamente.",
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