Captive Portal Customizations - Translations

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Revision as of 18:40, 25 August 2021 by Gabriel.prado (Talk | contribs)
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Customize values for supported languages and/or add support to new ones.

Current supported languages are: English (en), Portuguese (pt_br) and Spanish (es).

It's recommended to customize the translations in the Layout configuration to make sure they are available in all other pages.

See also:

Default Values

Example strings for English (en) language:

 deleteMacAddressError: "It was not possible to disconnect the user."
 onLoginError: "Could not complete your social login. Please try again."
 onLoginCancel: "To log in to Hotspot is required to complete the login through social networks."
 automaticLoginVisitor: "Visitor"
 automaticLoginConnecting: "Connecting..."
 postFormError: "Unable to complete the login. Check that you are accessing this page from the Wi-fi network."
 userPostLoginError: "Please, login again."
 missingPreviewURL: "Preview URL option not defined."
 accountKitInvalidState: "The session is invalid, please login again."
 accountKitDisabled: "Account Kit login must be enabled."
 accountKitError: "You need to complete the login to continue."
 cannotCreateUserSession: "Can't create user session."
 defaultLoginError: "Please check if email and password are correct and try again. If you don't have a password, please sign up."
 emailTakenSignupError: "Please check if all the fields are filled correctly. If you have already signed up with this e-mail before, please sign in."
 loginUserTokenError: "There was an error during login with user token"
 defaultUserDisplayName: "Visitor"
 registerLoginFail: "Signup completed but there was an issue during login"
 passwordLengthAlert: "Passwords must have at least 8 characters."
 missingFields: "The following fields are mandatory: {{fields}}"
 takenFields: "The following fields must be unique and have already been taken: {{fields}}"
 errorFields: "The following fields have errors: {{fields}}"
 emailRegex: "The e-mail provided does not match the expected format: {{field}}"
 passwordConfirmationAlert: "The password does not match its confirmation."
 dateFormatError: "One or more date fields are incorrectly formatted."
 splashWait: "Please wait..."
 splashReady: "Please click on the video to continue"
 splashContinue: "Click here to continue"
 splashCountdown: "Please watch for {{seconds}} seconds..."
 getUserInfoError: "Could not get info from the current logged in user."
 getClusteringInfoError: "Could not get clustering info from the current logged in user."
 getUserDataError: "Could not get user's extra data"
 getUserAccountKitError: "Could not get user's Account Kit data"
 findUserError: "Could not find an user with the given mac address"
 getPromotionsError: "No promotions found"
 logoutError: "There was an error during the logout operation"
 unknownError: "There was an unknown error during the operation{{error_message}}"
 email: "E-mail"
 password: "Password"
 fullName: "Full name"
 gender: "Gender"
 female: "Female"
 male: "Male"
 notDeclaringGender: "I'd rather not declare"
 choosePassword: "Choose your password"
 confirmPassword: "Confirm your password"
 signUp: "Sign up"
 connect: "Connect"
 connectGuest: "Connect"
 logo: "Logo"
 userPic: "User picture"
 categoryLoading: "Loading your personalized portal..."
 close: "Close"
 error: "Error"
 accessButton: "Access the Internet"
 unlinkButton: "Click here to leave"
 rememberButton: "Reset my password"
 defaultRememberError: "There was a problem while trying to reset your password. Please check the given e-mail."
 defaultRememberInfo: "An e-mail was sent to your address with instructions on how to reset your password."
 token: "Password reset token"
 invalidTokenError: 'The reset token given is invalid, please ask for a new one.'
 defaultResetError: 'There was a problem with your request. Please check password format and token.'
 passwordRepeatedError: "You can't choose a password that was recently used."
 defaultResetInfo: 'Your password was changed successfuly.'
 resetButton: 'Reset my password'
 updateFormButton: 'Update registration'
 facebook: 'Facebook'
 gplus: 'Google+'
 twitter: 'Twitter'
 linkedin: 'LinkedIn'
 share: 'Share'
 shareOn: 'Share on '
 loadingPage: 'Loading, please wait...'
 noVendorError: 'There is an error with the vendor configuration: contact the network administrators.'
 signInError: 'There was a problem trying to sign you in. Please try again or contact the administrators if the problem persists.'
 signInLimitExceededError: 'You reached the maximum number of allowed logins in the last {{period}} hours.'
 sessionExpiredError: 'Your session has expired. Please, <a href onclick="window.location.reload(); return false;">click here</a> to reload the page and try again.'
 loginEmail: 'Login with Email'
 loginSMS: 'Login with SMS'

Customization Example

  appConfig.customization = appConfig.customization || {};
  appConfig.customization.translations = {
    'pt_br': {
      deleteMacAddressError: "Houve um erro ao tentar desconectar o usuário.",
      onLoginError: "Não foi possível completar seu login social. Por favor, tente novamente.",

Change Language

To create multi-language support to your portal, add an html element (ex: button, a or img tag) with the ng-click function changeLanguage with the desired language as the parameter.

<button ng-click="changeLanguage('en')">English</button>
<button ng-click="changeLanguage('pt_br')">Português</button>
<button ng-click="changeLanguage('es')">Español</button>
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