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In the case of errors in the request, an error code will be set properly. The response status will be set to the respective HTTP status code and the body may contain a JSON value with more information concerning the error.

The status codes and JSON structure are described below. However, some APIs may differ slightly or may have specific response codes. In such case, refer to the specific API documentation for further information.


HTTP Status Codes

The following table contains the main codes and their simple descriptions. See specific API documentations for more detailed information.

Code Status Description
400 bad_request Some required parameter was not informed.
401 unauthorized The authentication is wrong. See Authentication.
403 forbidden The request wan not accepted due to semantic permission errors.
404 not_found Some resource was not found.
406 not_acceptable The requested format is not accepted. Make sure the "Content-Type" header is set correctly.
409 conflict A semantic conflict happened.
422 unprocessable_entity A validation error occurred.
500 internal_server_error An unknown error happened.

JSON Structure

The response JSON is formatted as a hash in the format field:value, the following fields are returned:

Field Presence Description
error required Error code. One of: authentication_failed, bad_request, conflict, forbidden, internal_server_error, invalid_parameters, missing_parameters, not_acceptable, not_found, unauthorized, unprocessable_entity.
error_description required Human readable error message.
errors optional Array with error descriptions. Each array element is either a string with an error message or a hash in the format field:value with the following fields:
attribute required Name of the attribute with error. If the error has no associated attribute, its value is set to "base".
message required Human readable error message.
code required Error code. See the JSON Error Codes table below for detailed information.
value optional Extra field to inform which value the error refers to.
count optional Extra integer field to inform which count the error refers to.

JSON Error Codes

The following codes are used in the error description:

Code Description Possible Extra fields
inclusion The attribute value is not one of the possible values.
exclusion The attribute value is reserved.
invalid The attribute value is invalid. value
confirmation The attribute doesn't match the confirmation.
accepted The attribute must be accepted.
empty The attribute can't be empty.
blank The attribute can't be blank.
too_long The attribute is too long. (Maximum of count characters) count
too_short The attribute is too short. (Minimum of count characters) count
wrong_length The attribute has the wrong length. (Should be count characters) count
not_a_number The attribute must be a number.
not_an_integer The attribute must be an integer.
greater_than The attribute must be greater than count. count
greater_than_or_equal_to The attribute must be greater than or equal to count. count
equal_to The attribute must be equal to count. count
less_than The attribute must be less than count. count
less_than_or_equal_to The attribute must be less than or equal to count. count
odd The attribute must be odd.
even The attribute must be even.
taken The attribute value has already been taken.
must_be_present The attribute value must be present. value
invalid_email The attribute must be a valid email.
repeated The attribute value must be different from last count ones. count


Create user without required parameters


curl -iX POST '' \
-d '{
     "user": {
    }' \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
--user 138:e8b9ca24f1b590af67e6271297d6e1f7226625d61c5b5daa1b2f215464e292cf


Response Headers

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Status: 400

Response Body

   "error_description":"Username or Email Address must be given",
   "errors":["Username or Email Address must be given"]

Update user password with a password that has been recently used


curl -iX PUT '' \
-d '{
     "user": {
    }' \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
--user 138:e8b9ca24f1b590af67e6271297d6e1f7226625d61c5b5daa1b2f215464e292cf


Response Headers

HTTP/1.1 422 Unprocessable Entity
Status: 422

Response Body

   "error_description":"password must be different from last 3 ones",
   "errors": [
           "message":"must be different from last 3 ones",

User login with incorrect email/password


curl -iX POST '' \
-d '{
     "email_address": "",
     "password": "wrong_password"
    }' \
-H 'Content-type: application/json' \
--user 138:e8b9ca24f1b590af67e6271297d6e1f7226625d61c5b5daa1b2f215464e292cf


Response Headers

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Status: 403

Response Body

   "error_description":"wrong password and email or username combination",
   "errors": [
           "message":"wrong password and email or username combination"
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