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Renders the Social Connect widget within a DOM element.

This widget can trigger the following events:

This widget allows to add credentials from different social networks to the same Social Login user. For example, an user can log in with its Facebook and add its Twitter credential, so the next time this user can choose to log in with its Facebook or Twitter account and be referenced as the same user by the website integrating with the Social Login platform.

This widget works as follows:

In summary, it's important to handle these two events. In case of it's important to check the login token via server-side to certificate that the user logged in is the same associated to the current website session.


 socialid.login.renderConnectWidget(containerId, options)


containerId required Id of the DOM element where the widget will be inserted.
options optional A Javascript object containing additional parameters.
theme optional Determines which theme will be used to build the widget. It could be "icons", "bricks" ou "labeled_icons". Default: "icons".
providers optional Array containing one or more providers enabled to the user log in. The following providers are currently supported: "facebook", "twitter", "linkedin" e "gplus". Default: [] (no providers enabled).
language optional Defines which translation will be used in the widgets. It could be "pt_br" (Brazilian Portuguese) ou "en" (English). Default: "en".
showSocialIdLink optional Determines if the "Powered by Social-ID NOW" link will be displayed in the widget or not. It could be true or false (boolean). Default: true.
loadCss optional Determines if the CSS theme file will be automatically added in the web page as a <link> tag. It could be true or false (boolean). Default: true.
cssUrl optional Determines the CSS theme file url that will be automatically added in the web page as a <link> tag (only if loadCss is true). Default: "".


Renderiza em "socialid_connect_container" um widget do Social Connect em português ("pt_br"), com Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn e Google+ disponíveis para serem adicionados como nova conexão ao usuário logado atualmente no Social Login:

 socialid.login.renderConnectWidget("socialid_connect_container", {
   theme: "bricks", 
   providers: ["facebook", "gplus", "twitter", "linkedin"],
   language: "pt_br",
   showSocialIdLink: true,
   loadCss: true

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