
From Social ID Developers
Revision as of 17:06, 3 November 2014 by Renato.neves (Talk | contribs)
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Renders the Social Login widget within a DOM element.

This widget can trigger the following events:


 socialid.login.renderLoginWidget(containerId, options)


containerId obrigatório Id of the DOM element where the widget will be inserted.
options opcional A Javascript object containing additional parameters.
theme opcional Determines which theme will be used to build the widget. It could be "icons", "bricks" ou "labeled_icons". Default: "icons".
providers opcional Array containing one or more providers enabled to the user log in. The following providers are currently supported: "facebook", "twitter", "linkedin" e "gplus". Default: [] (no providers enabled).
language opcional Defines which translation will be used in the widgets. It could be "pt_br" (Brazilian Portuguese) ou "en" (English). Default: "en".
showSocialIdLink opcional Determines if the "Powered by Social-ID NOW" link will be displayed in the widget or not. It could be true or false (boolean). Default: true.
loadCss opcional Determines if the CSS theme file will be automatically added in the web page as a <link> tag. It could be true or false (boolean). Default: true.
cssUrl opcional Determines the CSS theme file url that will be automatically added in the web page as a <link> tag (only if loadCss is true). Default: "".


It renders the Social Login Widget within the "socialid_login_container" DOM element in Brazilian Portuguese ("pt_br"), with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ available to login:

 socialid.login.init(1, {loginType: "event"});
 socialid.login.renderLoginWidget("socialid_login_container", {
   theme: "bricks", 
   providers: ["facebook", "gplus", "twitter", "linkedin"],
   language: "pt_br",
   showSocialIdLink: true,
   loadCss: true,

ou can test this parameters in our playground:

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