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Revision as of 13:13, 16 June 2016 by Ramon.maciel (Talk | contribs)
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Renders the Ratings & Reviews Widget within a DOM element.


 stream.renderRatingsReviewsWidget(containerId, options)


containerId required Id of the DOM element where the widget will be inserted.
options optional object containing additional parameters.
loginProviders optional array of providers to use for login. Default: [].
shareProviders optional array of providers to use for share. Default: use login providers.
language optional string identifying which language to use. Options: "en" for English and "pt_br" for Brazilian Portuguese. Default: "en".
loadCss optional boolean indicating if the widget should load a CSS file. Default: true.
cssUrl optional URL of an alternative CSS file to be loaded. Default: default theme CSS file.
readOnly optional boolean indicating if the widget should not render post creation UI. Default: false.
createOnly optional boolean indicating if the widget should not render post list UI. Default: false.
starLabels optional array of labels to use for each rating, from zero to 5, where zero is no rating selected. Default: ["", "Awful", "Bad", "Fair", "Good", "Great"].
showTitle optional boolean indicating if a title should be shown above the widget. Default: true.
required optional array of required post creation fields. Default: requires at least one of the fields to not be empty.


It renders the Ratings & Reviews Widget within the "comments-container" with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ available to login:

 socialid.login.init(134, {loginType: "event"});
 var stream = socialid.comments.getStream(2, "streamIdentifier");
 stream.renderRatingsReviewsWidget("comments-container", {
   loginProviders: ["facebook", "gplus", "twitter", "linkedin"]
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