Android SDK

From Social ID Developers
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Download and Setup the SDK

You can download and setup the SDK using our Android SDK Setup guide.

Social Login

Add the following statements to your Activity:

 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.SocialId;

Configure all providers you'll support. This can be performed in your Activity's onCreate() method.

 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.sociallogin.providers.FacebookConfiguration;
 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.sociallogin.providers.GplusConfiguration;
 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.sociallogin.providers.LinkedinConfiguration;
 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.sociallogin.providers.TwitterConfiguration;
 // Facebook configuration
 // Extra permissions are optional
 FacebookConfiguration facebookConfiguration = new FacebookConfiguration()
   .setPermissions(Arrays.asList("public_profile", "user_birthday", "email", "user_location"));
 // Google+ configuration
 GplusConfiguration gplusConfiguration = new GplusConfiguration();
 // LinkedIn configuration
 LinkedinConfiguration linkedinConfiguration = new LinkedinConfiguration();
 // Twitter configuration
 // Key and Secret are mandatory
 TwitterConfiguration twitterConfiguration = new TwitterConfiguration()
 SocialId.configLoginProviders(facebookConfiguration, gplusConfiguration, linkedinConfiguration, twitterConfiguration);

After provider configuration, add the following code to finish the login configuration:

 SocialId.configLogin(this, new LoginEventListenerImpl(this));

If you want to pass additional configuration, such as the default user profile fields to get from the Social-ID platform, you can use the following code instead. See Social Profile Fields for the available profile fields.

 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.sociallogin.SocialLoginConfiguration;
 SocialLoginConfiguration socialLoginConfiguration = new SocialLoginConfiguration().
   setUserFields(Arrays.asList("display_name", "picture_url", "current_location", "verified_email", "gender"));
 SocialId.configLogin(this, new LoginEventListenerImpl(this), socialLoginConfiguration);

Add the following code to the end of the Activity's onActivityResult() method:

 SocialId.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

Call the following code to start the login process:

 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.exceptions.SocialIdException;
 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.util.Provider;
 SocialId.initLogin(Provider.FACEBOOK); // you can change FACEBOOK to LINKEDIN, TWITTER or GPLUS

Finally, create a LoginEventListenerImpl class using this example:

 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.exceptions.SocialIdException;
 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.sociallogin.LoginEventListener;
 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.util.Provider;
 public class LoginEventListenerImpl implements LoginEventListener {
   private Activity mActivity;
   public LoginEventListenerImpl(Activity activity) {
     this.mActivity = activity;
   public void onBack() {
     // onBack code
   public void onCancel() {
     // onCancel code
   public void onComplete(Provider provider, User user) {
     // onComplete code
     // PersonProfile personProfile = user.getProfile();
   public void onError(SocialIdException e) {
     // onError code
   public void onPreExecute() {
     // onPreExecute code
   public void onPostExecute() {
     // onPostExecute code


Use the following code to log out a user:

 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.SocialId;

Get the logged user

Use the following code to get the current logged used in cache:

 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.SocialId;
 User user = SocialId.getCurrentUser();
 PersonProfile personProfile = user.getProfile();
 // you can now call personProfile.getDisplayName(), personProfile.getPictureUrl() and other methods to get profile data

If you want a refreshed user from the Social Id platform, you can use the following code instead:

 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.SocialId;
 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.exceptions.SocialIdException;
 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.util.SocialIdCallback;
 SocialId.getCurrentUser(new SocialIdCallback<User>() {
   public void onSuccess(User user) {
     // PersonProfile personProfile = user.getProfile();
   public void onError(SocialIdException e) {

User Push Notifications

In order to send push notifications directly to a specific user, you can link his device with his account. You can make this process whenever you want after the user logs in:

 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.SocialId;
 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.exceptions.SocialIdException;
 import com.coffeebeantech.socialidsdk.util.SocialIdCallback;
 if(SocialId.getDeviceId() != null && !SocialId.getDeviceId().isEmpty()) {
   SocialId.linkDeviceToUser(new SocialIdCallback<Void>() {
     public void onSuccess(Void v) {
       // onSuccess code
     public void onError(SocialIdException e) {
       // onError code
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